John Skiles Skinner's portfolio

A photograph of John Skiles Skinner's conference badge from Wikiconference North America 2019

My experience at Wikiconference & LD4P

I went to Wikiconference North America at MIT and a Linked Data meeting at the Library of Congress. I learned a lot!

No one explained to me that travel for work can be so exciting

Last week I went to Wikiconference North America hosted by MIT, and to LD4P2 Cohort & Partner meetings at the Library of Congress. It was my first time for both!

I learned and thought a lot about linked open data, where the source material for open data claims comes (or should come) from, and how these sources are (or should be) discovered.

An outdoor group photo of the attendees of WikiConference North America 2019
The attendees of WikiConference North America 2019. Photo by Victor Grigas.

Reliability / credibility at Wikiconference

The theme for Wikiconference North America this year was reliability / credibility. I particularly valued learning about these two issues in connection with the source material discovery process for Wikipedia authors. I also learned about Wikidata and Wikisource in ways that I think I'll use in my work at Cornell. Sessions I felt were of particular value:

I also gave a talk on linked open data in library discovery. The video of my talk is listed as Day 1 Session 3 - 32-141 on the video page. (Unfortunately, I ran out of time toward the end.)

A man speaking at a lecturn on a stage
Me summarizing a library discovery breakout session to the LD4P2 community. Photo by C. Fernsebner Eslao.

Linked Data for Production

At the LD4P2 Cohort and Partner meetings what interested me the most were questions about the future directions of discovery and linked data development:

That last question is of special importance to me; it is also the topic I presented on at Wikiconference. It's so exciting to me to see libraries asking themselves how they can contribute back to Wikis. Closing that loop is a part of building a more robust, flexible and accessible world of human knowledge. And that's why I'm here.

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