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Making a simple, static website with AWS

In which I build a simple, static website (no server-side code) hosted on Amazon Web Services. This post is about configuring Route 53 and S3 to put a website live.

First, a warning. These instructions for configuring a static website do not and cannot support https. If you want this encryption feature, you will have to name your buckets differently and involve AWS CloudFront.

Register a domain name with Route 53

I'm planning to buy the domain Having visited the URL, it looks empty and probably ready for purchase.

In the AWS console I click on Route 53. I click on Domain registration, then on the Register Domain button.

The Route 53 link to purchase a domain name

I type in my desired domain name and choose the .org TLD from the drop-down. I fill in contact details and whatever else is needed to complete the purchase.

This domain name turns out to be available!

I am asked to wait while domain registration takes place. It took 15 minutes. Meanwhile I made a quick HTML document (just a placeholder, really) and name it index.html. (You can of course check out this HTML by viewing the source of the webpage)

Put the page up in S3

To host this HTML document, I create a bucket in S3 and accept all the default settings. I name it the same name as the domain, including the .orgat the end! Choosing the same name will allow Route 53 to find it later.

Creating an Amazon S3 bucket

It dumps me back at the list of all buckets, from which I pick out the bucket I just created. I upload my index.html file. Then I go to the Properties tab and into Static Website Hosting.

Configure the bucket as a static website

I click "Use this bucket to host a website" and enter "index.html" as the index document name. It shows me my new endpoint name:

Connect the routing to the page

I return to Route 53 and click on the Hosted Zone I've previously created. I choose to create an A record. I find the right S3 website endpoint appears in the dropdown.

An A record hooks the domain to the hosting

What if the expected endpoint does not appear? I have coaxed AWS into finding it by guessing at a fully qualified domain name. Check the hosting region against list of endpoints and check the form of the endpoint name.

This guide has a useful template of bucket endpoint name formats. Don't forget that Route 53 will only find your bucket if it is configured for Static Website Hosting, as above.

Setting permissions

Route 53 is now hooked up to my S3 bucket. Will my domain name show me my HTML document? I visit to find out!

No. I got an 403 Forbidden: Access Denied error message. Permissions need to be set to allow us to see the website.

The error caused by incorrectly set permissions

In the permissions tab I turn off "Block all public access".

Uncheck the box that blocks access

However, I still get Access Denied after doing this. I visit the "Bucket Policy" button to enter some JSON.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AddPerm",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "*"

I am shown a foreboding warning message when I enter this permissive policy. But, it's necessary!

Bucket policy setting

But it works! My website is now live when I refresh!

You might also want to add a www subdomain to your static website.

Remember, however, if you want https the instructions above won't work for you. The reason is that AWS only offers TLS and SSL as a part of CloudFront, which does not support bucket names with a dot (period) in them.

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